Ancient biodynamic secrets!

Thousands of years ago, in what is now Turkey, the civilization of Atlantis, a culture more advanced than any other the world has ever seen flourished.

Possessed of great physical beauty and matchless vital energy, new anthropological evidence has scientifically established that the ancient Atlanteans, as depicted in the Bible, had lifespans of hundreds of years.

They knew an Ancient Secret, a secret kept only by a chosen few. A secret so hidden that even its finders were unknown for millenia.

The secret... of TURKISH THUNDERTM!

How could any person live in such amazing health for so long? The answer lies in our most modern understanding of quantum empathic field theory, a branch of science devoted to exploring the ancient connections between our life essence and quantum magnetism. You /CAN/ take charge of your life, and we can show you how!



The amazing biodynamic supplement that will make you THUNDER! This astounding formula from the ancient world is a very special mixture, containing an unrivaled combination of ingeniously balanced amino acids passed down in secret through the ages from the very cradle of civilization itself-- and now is YOURS FREE when you obtain the life-changing book "Ancient Secrets of the Secret Ancients"TM! But, wait-- that's not all! Act now, and you'll recieve this sacred personal atmospheric enviornment purifier-- an AMAZING VALUE-- yours absolutely FREE!

We live in a toxic world. TURKISH THUNDERTM works by actually GENERATING the proper harmonic frequencies deep within your primitive digestive tract because of its unique shape! You REALLY WILL FEEL TURKISH THUNDERTM as it actually rids your body's Five Temples of the unhealthful toxins it has been subjected to for your whole life. Act now, and join those cosmic elite who FEEL the POWER of TURKISH THUNDERTM! IT REALLY WORKS!

Using the principles of the Secret Ancients, YOU CAN THUNDER! TURKISH THUNDER: BECOME THE DIFFERENCE!!(TM)

Did YOU know that some poisonous gasses are actually HEAVIER than AIR ITSELF? It's true. Those very same gasses can build up in your lungs, causing grave danger to the receptacle of your very conciousness! Learn the SECRETS that will allow you to actually INVERT YOUR ORIENTATION to RID your corporeal shrine of these terrible toxins!! By using the Principle of Likeness(TM), you can in fact DRAW what you need TO YOU!

The spleen is the most ignored organ in our body. Its vital role in assisting the pineal pituitary gland to regulate human auric resonance waves is little understood by modern medicine-- but the Ancients had full KNOWLEDGE of its incredible secrets! By restoring the spleen to its TRUE level of amazing strength and VITALITY, the ALL-NATURAL POWER of TURKISH THUNDERTM in combination with the Ancient Secrets of the Secret Ancients guides you to unlock the amazing latent wellspring of the MIND ITSELF!

"Ancient Secrets of the Secret Ancients"TM is not sold in stores-- supplies are extremely limited, so ACT NOW!

Master Ali Akkaan is descended from the ancient and proud Atlantean scribe Tholus the Thunderer, and has brought the secrets of TURKISH THUNDERTM into the open for the first time ever, revealing the ancient prophecies which fortold these dark days-- "Mankind MUST recover its former ancient glory now, for the Time of the Final Ending of the Last Days is at hand!"

Only Master Ali Akkaan has delved so deeply that he has seen the Secret Sacred Light that has revealed the Illuminated Sacred Secrets! In his landmark tome, "Ancient Secrets of the Secret Ancients"TM, Master Akkaan at last reveals the life-energy powers used by the Atlantian sages to power their ancient spacecraft-- EARTH!

  • Learn breakthrough secrets of magnetopole metanavigation;
  • Harness the limitless energies of solar dynapolarities-- the NATURAL ENERGY of the Sun itself;
  • Build a lifetime of perfect health and wellness through TURKISH THUNDERTM-- your pancreatic juice shall flow into your duodenum (secret life-energy gate!) like NEVER BEFORE;
  • Seek the ancient WISDOM OF THE GODS as communicated to our Atlantean matriarchs through Master Ali Akkaan's ancient forefather-- and GROW WEALTH;
  • Understand the POWER of ancient Atlantean logic and algorithms;

    The ancients will re-awaken soon to pilot us toward our future destiny. Will YOU be ready?



    T U R K I S H
    * wealth * self * health *
    T H U N D E R
    Honor the THUNDER in YOU!TM

  • Click here to CONTACT THE THUNDER!
    1. Are there Crystals or Magnets involved?
    	NO! Absolutely NOT! Some "New Age" systems rely on hocus-pocus. TURKISH THUNDER is based on 
    the sound scientific principles used by ancient Atlantean scholars and brought completely up-to-date by 
    Master Ali Akkaan.
    2. Is TURKISH THUNDER an imported energy drink fortified with the rejuvenating power of turkey?
    	No, turkeys were not known to the ancients. TURKISH THUNDER is a unique supplement incorporating many 
    exotic ingredients known to promote inner power and health. But this is not the extent of what TURKISH THUNDER's 
    exclusive formula can help you to accomplish. When used properly-- in accordance with the hidden knowledge 
    revealed to Master Akkaan-- it can lead you to truly staggering, THUNDEROUS heights! It is a very special mixture.
    3. Will TURKISH THUNDER help me BUILD MY CHI so I can defend myself against a HORDE of VIOLENT ATTACKERS?
    	YES! Scientific research study experiements have shown that by using the methods of the SECRET ANCIENTS,
    you will become empowered in ways you never could believe possible! The spaceship Earth was of old powered by these 
    energies, the THUNDER IN YOUTM!
    4. What about THUNDERCRYSTALS? Aren't those just the same thing as regular crystals, which your literature claims are useless? Does it
    just depend on faith?
    In a word, no! THUNDERCRYSTALS have an entirely different quantum resonation matrix! Remember, TURKISH THUNDER is a very
    special formula, and the Ancient Secrets are based on SCIENCE, not on BELIEF! The science behind TURKISH THUNDER is ancient Atlantean
    science, and so its LAWS are DIFFERENT!
    "I was lost.  I felt like I just didn't know where to go or what to do anymore.  I'd been laid off and was 
    suffering from severe depression.  Then I discovered TURKISH THUNDER, and I feel like a new man!  My friends 
    and family have been saying things like 'Glad to have you back' and 'That stuff is really something'!  
    Thanks, Ali!"
    	-- Vito Balian, NY
    "My wife was complaining, but now she begs me to stop-- and I still have enough energy to mow the lawn, rake
    the yard, and work on my Hog. THANKS, TURKISH THUNDER!!"
    	-- Bret Hedworth, WI
    "My life before TURKISH THUNDER was nothing more than one SAD DISAPPOINTMENT after another.  I was LIVING with 
    my PARENTS, did NOT have a GIRLFRIEND, and was being PICKED on by HIGH SCHOOL KIDS.  After recieving my first 
    of all, I got a PLACE of MY OWN.  Thank you TURKISH THUNDER for adding RUMBLE and POWER to my life."
    	-- Dexter Alfonzo, Punxsutawney, PA.
    "I was a Gulf War vet, hung out to dry by the first Bush adminstration.  Most of my limbs were gone and I lived 
    in a shell-shock hell.  I was confined to the VA and life was empty.  Then my young nephew sent me a package 
    accompanied by a note that said only "Ready to Change Your Life?".  I was of course quite ready and eagerly 
    opened up the package.  Inside was the economy size package of Turkish Thunder.  I cracked open the lid and I 
    swear, I could almost *feel* the power thrumming in the very air about me!  That was the first day of my new life.  
    My limbs have regenerated and my mental health has returned, and it's all due to the power of Turkish Thunder.  
    	-- Sgt. Joe Bob James.
    "TURKISH THUNDER has helped me both PERSONALLY and PROFESSIONALLY.  I have been able to work LONGER and HARDER, 
    impressing my coworkers with my AMAZING POWER AND STAMINA!!!  TURKISH THUNDER is the REAL DEAL!!!"
    	-- Max Thrust, Adult Actor and star of "Going Gay 77" and "I'm Sorry Daddy"
    "My friend tried to teach me about higher order functions, but all I could do was shake my head in 
    confusion.  However, after a liberal dose of Turkish Thunder, my confusion fell away and now I not only 
    understand higher-order functions, I feel I've *become* a higher-order function!"
    	-- Dr. Raoul Gauche, ME
    "I know my life has forever changed since i accepted TURKISH THUNDER into my heart."
    	-- Chester Manley, Schenectady, NY.

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